One of the two age-old organized crime organizations in New Venice, the Gravely family handles the business the way they've handled it for the last five hundred years. Through hundreds of different bosses and every kind of turmoil you can imagine, the Gravelys have been there.
An “old family” of crime, they've survived every war, made hard decisions where they had to and made a lot of powerful friends and bitter enemies over the years.
Though they've lived at odds with Iriasmos Un Utu forever, in recent times the two groups rarely find themselves in serious conflict, and both mostly stayed out of The Underground. It made for a city where everybody had their piece and for the most part everyone was happy with it after years and years of fighting.
With new adversaries moving in however, the Gravelys consider themselves the true owners of New Venice, and are starting to feel like they might have to show it.
Gravely Crests, Classic Attire
Gregario's Pizza, Gravely Manor
Property & Protection