The Venice Underground have been a part of New Venice since it became a city. A group of radicals not necessarily aligned with any particular goal so much as just general chaos, they party hard and fight harder.
Though from time to time the VU has found itself fighting for one cause or another or against one law or another, they are known mostly for the extremely dangerous portion of town they reside in, and being extremely unfriendly to strangers.
From bars, nightclubs and strip clubs in the Underground they oversee their terrain, pretty happy to leave others alone unless bothered.
Recently however, with other groups moving in from around the country, the VU has mobilized. They are deadset on pushing out the “invading forces” and making sure their territory stays theirs forever.
Alternative Fashion, Disrespectful
Rusty's Gentlewoman's Club, Chainz Nightclub
Guns & Local Businesses